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SMOFcon 28 - December 3-5, 2010 - San Jose, California

Entries Tagged as 'Fannish Inquisition'

2020 Worldcon Bids

December 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

Norman Cates, leader of the New Zealand in 2020 bid, made the trip to San José and updated the assembled SMOFS on the bid’s plans. Then, as time was running out and Room K of the Convention Center started to turn back into a pumpkin, another bid for 2020 for “a place with no organized […]



Nippon in 2017 (or later) Status Report

December 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

Fans in Japan have been discussing a bid for a Worldcon in 2017 or later. Andrew Adams brings us an update on how things are going. Nippon in 2017 Worldcon Bid Presentation from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.



Kansas City in 2016 Bid Presentation

December 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

Downtown Kansas City has changed a lot since the assembled SMOFS visited it for SMOFCon 24 in 2006. Hear what’s new and what’s in store for the proposed KC in 2016 bid. It’s more than just barbecue. Kansas City in 2016 Worldcon Bid Presentation from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.



PNW in 2015 Status Report

December 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

Here’s the latest report on the exploratory committee for “Seattle” (actually “somewhere in the Pacific Northwest”) in 2015. Pacific Northwest in 2015 Worldcon Bid Presentation from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.



London in 2014 Bid Presentation

December 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

Next up was the London in 2014 Bid. London in 2014 Worldcon Bid Presentation from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.



Texas in 2013 Bid Presentation

December 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

Now we start the presentations for bids for Worldcons in 2013 and later, starting with the San Antonio bid for 2013. Texas in 2013 Worldcon Bid Presentation from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.



Chicon 7 Fails to Avoid Inquisition

December 13th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

Chicon 7‘s chairman, Dave McCarty, called out “pass” when it was his convention’s turn to face the Fannish Inquisition, but you can’t get out of it that easily… Chicon 7: 2012 Worldcon Presentation at SMOFCon 28 from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.



Renovation Faces the Inquisition

December 13th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

On Saturday night of SMOFCon, after selecting next year’s site and hearing expressions of interest for future years’ hosts, it was time for presentations and questions for future Worldcons. First up was Renovation, the 2011 Worldcon in Reno. Renovation: 2011 Worldcon Presentation at SMOFCon 28 from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.



Toronto in 2013 SMOFCon Bid

December 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

The group proposing Toronto as the site for the 2013 SMOFCon gave a brief presentation at SMOFCon 28. Toronto in 2013 SMOFCon Bid Presentation from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo. The site of the 2013 SMOFCon will be selected at SMOFCon 30 in 2012.



Philadelphia in 2012 SMOFCon Bid

December 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Fannish Inquisition

The group proposing Philadelphia as the site for the 2012 SMOFCon gave a brief presentation at SMOFCon 28. Philadelphia in 2012 SMOFCon Bid Presentation from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo. The site of the 2012 SMOFCon will be selected at SMOFCon 29 in Amsterdam.

