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SMOFcon 28 - December 3-5, 2010 - San Jose, California

Entries Tagged as 'Program'

Detailed Saturday & Sunday Program

December 4th, 2010 · No Comments · Program

The Open Space Programming Mixer/Function on Friday night produced the detailed program schedule for the rest of SMOFCon 28. Paper copies of the schedule are also available at the convention. By popular demand, programming will start at 10 AM, not an hour earlier as previously announced. Programming will be in the Ballroom (ground floor), Sainte […]



Convention Center Tour Saturday

December 3rd, 2010 · No Comments · Program

The San José Convention & Visitors Bureau is offering to take any interested members of SMOFCon on a tour of the McEnery Convention Center on Saturday afternoon. If you’d like to join the tour, meet in the hotel lobby at 12:55 PM.



Additional Function Room Available

December 2nd, 2010 · No Comments · Program

In addition to the Ballroom and Sainte Claire Rooms for daytime panel-type programming and the Boardroom for small meetings, we will also have the Santa Vesta Room available for “round-table” type programming. The room will be set with several round tables and chairs and can be included in the Open Source Programming mix. This room […]



Schedule Updated

December 1st, 2010 · No Comments · Program

We’ve updated the Program Schedule page with a lot more detail, including the rooms we’ll be using at different times throughout the convention. Daytime programming will happen primarily in the hotel’s Grand Ballroom on the ground floor and in the Sainte Claire Room on the second floor. We also have access (both day and night) […]



Advance Program Planning

November 28th, 2010 · No Comments · Program

SMOFCon Programming leader Tom Whitmore has posted a message about SMOFCon Programming that’s worth repeating here on the front page: SMOFCon is almost upon us! We’ve had several people indicate that they’re pulling together some items to suggest we talk about them at the con — I’m excited about them, and I want to remind […]



Data Projector Available

November 22nd, 2010 · No Comments · Program

We have arranged to have a computer data projector and a portable screen available for use in programming at the convention. You may want to plan your participation in Open Space Programming accordingly.



Bid Trail “Boot Camp” Announced

September 29th, 2010 · No Comments · Program

SMOFCon 28 will hold a “Boot Camp” seminar from 10 AM to 1 PM on Friday, December 3 on the topic of Managing Bidded Conventions. (Bidded conventions are those like Worldcon and Westercon, held in different places and hosted by different groups each year, as opposed to conventions held annually by the same group in […]



Planning for “Boot Camp”

June 3rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Program

SMOFCon 28 Programming Manager Tom Whitmore mentioned in the Program discussions that “…we’re considering doing a “boot camp” similar to the one that was done last year on budgeting.” A “SMOFCon Boot Camp” is an intensive seminar-like event (as opposed to a relatively short discussion panel) that would be held on the Friday afternoon of […]



Program Information Posted

April 20th, 2010 · No Comments · Program

One of the key parts of any SMOFCon is the convention programming. This year, SMOFCon is going to take an innovative member-driven approach to developing the convention programming using the ideas of Open Space Technology. The convention’s program for Saturday and Sunday will be developed by the members themselves during the Friday Night Social. For […]



Taking Requests

December 6th, 2009 · No Comments · Program

This afternoon at 2:00pm (Texas time) there will be a panel at SMOFcon 27 where our committee will field suggestions from the audience on the subject of “What do you want to see at future SMOFcons?” We would also be happy to see suggestions from those of you who can’t be in Austin. Obviously we […]

