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SMOFcon 28 - December 3-5, 2010 - San Jose, California

Bid Trail Boot Camp

From 10 AM to 1 PM on Friday, December 3, the first day of SMOFCon 28, Helen Montgomery and friends will discuss how to manage the long road to a bidded convention:

  • Keeping the troops fired up over the long haul
  • Managing a full court, distributed bidding presence at many cons
  • Choosing what level of presence (flyer, table, party) is right for what con
  • Budgeting for bids

Also planned is a discussion of exit strategies:

  • Recharging the group after losing a bid
  • Keeping the momentum going and converting bid enthusiasm to committee enthusiasm after winning

Sign up in advance for the Bid Trail Boot Camp by e-mailing the Boot Captain.

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