SMOFcon 28 header image

SMOFcon 28 - December 3-5, 2010 - San Jose, California

Detailed Program Schedule

As a result of the Open Space Programming mixer/workshop on Friday night, SMOFCon’s attendees developed the following detailed program schedule for Saturday and Sunday. Due to popular demand, programming will start at 10 AM each day. Lunch is from Noon to 2 PM. All program sessions are 55 minutes, except Saturday afternoon sessions, which are are 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Saturday, December 4
10:00 AM – 10:55 AM

  • Grand Ballroom: You’re So Vain: Dealing with Self-Published Writers
  • Sainte Claire: When the Con Chair Is the Problem
  • Santa Vesta: Bidding Bootcamp — the Follow-up

11:00 AM – 11:55 AM

  • Grand Ballroom: Opening the Gates of SF/F: How to Encourage Minority Participation without Being Patronizing
  • Sainte Claire: Facilities Tricks and Traps
  • Santa Vesta: Smart People, Stupid Websites – Challenges of Maintaining a Volunteer-Run Website

Noon – 2 PM

  • Lunch Break
  • Convention Center Tour: Meet in hotel lobby at 12:55

2:00 PM – 3:25 PM

  • Grand Ballroom: Youth in Fandom: How Do You Get It without Reproducing? (Attracting the Younger Generation)
  • Sainte Claire: Working with a Distributed Committee
  • Santa Vesta: Who Gets to Spend the Money?

3:30 PM – 4:55 PM

  • Grand Ballroom: Can You Fire Your GOH? (the Wisconsin debacle)
  • Sainte Claire: Managing Personalities
  • Santa Vesta: Acts of Dog

5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

  • Dinner Break

8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

10:30 PM – ?

(or 20 minutes after Fannish Inquisition ends, whichever is later)

  • Santa Vesta Room: Probability & Statistics Seminar. $10 lab fee. Maximum 30 participants.

Sunday, December 5
10:00 AM – 10:55 AM

  • Grand Ballroom: Convention Marketing and Social Media
  • Sainte Claire: Bringing in the Replacement
  • Santa Vesta: Program: More than Panels

11:00 AM – 11:55 AM

  • Grand Ballroom: Renovation — 69th Worldcon Open Meeting
  • Sainte Claire: The “Same People” Paradox
  • Santa Vesta: Welcoming Newbies into Fandom

Noon – 2 PM

  • Lunch Break

2:00 PM – 2:55 PM

3:00 PM – 3:55 PM

  • Grand Ballroom: Party 101
  • Sainte Claire: Preventing Volunteer Burnout
  • Santa Vesta: Dealing with Difficult Attendees

4:00 PM – 4:55 PM


3 Comments so far ↓

  • Vincent Docherty

    My name was suggested for the ’10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Chaired a Worldcon’ panel, but as I mentioned yesterday, my flight leave at 3:50pm on Sunday so I’ll have left before the panel’s scheduled start at 2pm.

  • Tom Whitmore

    We’d have loved to have your input on that, Vince; I didn’t know your schedule, and would probably have moved it to an earlier time if I had. We sometimes don’t manage communication as well as we might.

  • Tom Whitmore

    Adding on — that’s me saying I wasn’t available for you to find so we could change things, not that you failed at communicating to me!

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