SMOFcon 28 header image

SMOFcon 28 - December 3-5, 2010 - San Jose, California

Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Chaired a Worldcon

Moderator: Patty Wells (future former Worldcon Chair)
Past Worldcon chairs present: Martin Easterbrook, Deb Geisler, Mark Olson, Kevin Standlee, Tom Whitmore

These items are not ranked or prioritized, but are listed in the order they were added to the list.

  • It’s going to be more than you think it is
  • You need to let go of doing — you’re managing, not doing it yourself
  • You will hurt people — probably not deliberately, but it will happen
  • You need someone to talk honestly with you who doesn’t know the players
  • You need experienced advisers; they’ll know what you’ve been through
  • You think you know more than you really do
  • It is both easier and harder than you think
  • You need to take time for yourself
  • Unpredictable things will happen
  • You need to be able to not lose focus/momentum [after winning bid/if competition drops out]

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