Supporting the Bid / Vote for Us

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In keeping with our goal of providing an affordable Westercon for our members, we have decided to hold a short campaign, and accordingly we are not selling “pre-supporting” memberships.

The very best thing you can do to support the Tonopah in 2021 bid is to join SpikeCon (Westercon 72) as at least a supporting member and then vote for us in the site selection election for Westercon 74. You do not need to attend SpikeCon to vote.

If you are not yet a member of SpikeCon and do not plan to attend, include a separate payment with your site selection ballot to purchase your membership in SpikeCon as well as the $20 voting fee. (The voting fee is a supporting membership in the 2021 Westercon regardless of which bid wins.) If you are a member of SpikeCon and are not going to attend but still want to vote, you must include your membership number on your ballot or it will not be counted.

You can vote in site selection by mail (must be received by June 29, 2019) or you can send your ballot with someone else to deliver for you (voting ends at 7 PM MDT on July 5, 2019).

If you would like to make a donation to help fund the bid, you can send us money via PayPal to with a subject line of “Westercon Bid Donation,” or use the donation button below.

Donations to the Tonopah Westercon bid may be tax-deductible for US taxpayers to the extent permitted by law. Tonopah in 2021 is a committee of San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Incorporated, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit public benefit corporation.

Bid Flyer

Feel free to download the Tonopah in 2021 Bid Flyer, and if you’re going to an event where you think there would be people interested in knowing more about us, print some flyers for distribution there. Thanks for your help!

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