What sort of convention facilities are there in Tonopah?

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Tonopah has a small but serviceable convention center, with a main hall that has some sub-dividable space. Watch our video below for a look around the facility.

To see how the convention center sits in relation to the Mizpah Hotel, we have also prepared this video of a walk between the two buildings. Note that at the start of the walk as our Chair starts walking toward the Belvada-Mizpah Hotels, you can also see the Old Tonopah Library to his right in the near distance. We expect to be able to use the Old Library lounge for author readings and small program items.

To see how the Tonopah Convention Center and nearby hotels compare to the Davis Convention Center and nearby hotels (site of Westercon 72/SpikeCon in Layton, Utah), we have created a map of the two sites to the same scale.

Below are photos from the convention center.

Tonopah Convention Center

Tonopah Convention Center

Tonopah Convention Center Buckboard Room

There are also two smaller separate meeting rooms. All rooms have built-in projection facilities.

Tonopah Convention Center

The convention center also includes a kitchen that we can use (included in our convention center rental). This includes refrigerators and warmers (to keep cold food cold and hot food hot), a microwave oven, large coffee makers, industrial-sized dish washing facilities, sinks, and cleaning supplies. It does not have full cooking facilities such as stoves, ovens, and grills. The kitchen has a serving window that opens onto the main hall, and food can also be served from the main bar area.

Tonopah Convention Center Kitchen

Also, located right outside the kitchen door and built into the side of the convention center is a barbecue area:


In response to certain inquiries, we checked with the convention center, and they do indeed have a refrigerated air conditioning system (not “swamp coolers”). The hotels of course are air conditioned as well.

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