Jul 30 2011
Westercon 66 Joins SFSFC Fold
Westercon 66, the 2013 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, has been adopted as part of the SFSFC corporate family and will be run as a committee of SFSFC, like the two past Westercon run by SFSFC. Convention co-chairs Kevin Roche and Andy Trembley will continue to run Westercon 66, which will be held at a yet-to-be-determined site in the Sacramento, California area.
The Westercon 66 bid was awarded to a committee headed by Roche and Trembley by a vote of the Westercon 64 Business Meeting after no eligible bid won the regular site-selection election. Kevin and Andy came to the SFSFC Board of Directors asking if SFSFC would be willing to the sponsoring non-profit, tax-exempt corporation behind Westercon 66, and the Board voted at their July 30 meeting to bring Westercon into the corporate fold and to confirm Kevin and Andy as committee co-chairs.
The Westercon 66 committee is currently evaluating sites in the Sacramento area. Further announcements from Westercon 66 are expected during Renovation, this year’s Worldcon in Reno, Nevada.
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